
Jerry W. Bird

Union of BC Municipalities 100th Annual Convention in Vancouver . Next year's event hosted by Kelowna

We've been covering activities at the UBCM Convention for many years and plan to expand our "BC Scene" news profiles for 2003. On a sad note, we lost a wonderful friend last year in Joe Whitehead, Chairman of our Editorial Board. Former publisher of the Journal of Commerce and BC Lumberman, Joe was my mentor for decades . In his honour some major strides were made, including a magazine profile of the Trans Canada Yellowhead Highway. Over 400,000 copies of earlier were printed in French and English, and this one is also reaching big numbers. Beautifully illustrated, it covers every community along the 2600 km route from Winnipeg to Haida Gwa'ii and southwest to Hope. A similar labour of love, was a Canadian government o video, I wrote for the Alaska Highway. In the aviation filed, our profile of over 30 BC Gateway Airports was proof that travel and transportation rank high on our agenda. While that's true, all aspects of BC's economy - tourism - hotels - resource industries - real estate development -automotive -are important to us and our readers. Good reasons why you will meet us every year at the UBCM Conference. We consider it among the top three events of the year. Jerry W. Bird, Editor/Publisher, Vancouver, BC. 

Help UBCM Celebrate! Come and meet experts who offer innovative, economical solutions to fiscal challenges. The Union of BC Municipalities' Annual Convention takes place at the Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Center September 22-26 and is expected to draw the biggest crowd ever.

The Union of BC Municipalities IS local government in BC. The UBCM represents the interest of British Columbia's 183 municipalities and regional districts.

This annual event is the largest meting of local government officials and is the primary policy setting forum for municipalities and regional districts. The convention connects communities with one other, speaks with one voice on common concerns, allows communities to share experiences, and connects communities with other levels of government

The UBCM was formed to provide a common voice for local government and reflects the truth in the old adages "strength in numbers" - "united we stand - divided we fall".

The UBCM Convention continues to be the main forum for policy-making. It provides an from all areas of the province to come together, share their experiences and take a united position.

Positions developed by the members are carried to other orders of governments and others involved in local affairs. Policy implementation activities have expanded from annual presentations to Cabinet to present day where UBCM is involved in intergovernmental committees, regular meetings with Ministers and contact on a daily basis with senior government.

In today's ever-changing world, where shifts in senior government policies, or in economic, social or political conditions can have an immediate effect on local government, UBCM stands as a "listening post." UBCM initiates, monitors, interprets and reacts where such changes could have an effect on local government and the communities they serve.

The result is that local government is better and BC communities are the real winners. Through the UBCM local government has achieved a lot, and the potential is there to achieve even more in the future.


Web Site: http://www.civicnet.bc.ca/ubcm/index.shtml