Corporate Council
on Africa - CCA

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About the CCA

The Corporate Council on Africa (CCA), established in 1992, is at the forefront of strengthening and facilitating the commercial relationship between the United States and the African continent. CCA works closely with governments, multilateral groups and business to improve the African continent's trade and investment climate, and to raise the profile of Africa in the US business community. CCA members believe that Africa's future success depends upon the ability of its entrepreneurs and business people to create and retain wealth through private enterprise. American corporations and private individuals can contribute most effectively by building partnership and reaching out to the African private sector in the areas that America knows best: private enterprise, investment capital, technology transfer and management.

CCA programs are designed to bring together potential business partners and raise Africa's investment profile in the US by developing critical contacts and business relationships and providing a forum for the exchange of information and ideas. The membership of the Corporate Council on Africa includes more than 170 US companies doing business in Africa. CCA's members range in size from large multinational corporations to small and medium-sized businesses. CCA members vary in size, sector and experience, but are joined by a commitment to strengthen business ties between the US and Africa.

NEPAD Business Group Steering Committee Names Corporate Council on Africa as U.S. Representative

WASHINGTON, D.C. -The Washington-based Corporate Council on Africa (CCA) has been named the U.S. Representative for the Steering Committee of the NEPAD (New Partnership for African Development) Business Group. The coalition of international business groups will act as an intermediary between NEPAD and private business companies who support its aims. This steering committee will include the Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce, the Commonwealth Business Council headquartered in London, Conseil Francais des Investisseurs en Afrique (CIAN), the French counterpart to CCA, and the African Business Roundtable, based in South Africa. More than one hundred national and international business organizations are expected to join the NEPAD business group.

The NEPAD is a development plan by the African nations that aims to attract some $64bn in investment for African countries from the US, Canada, and European and Asian nations. The plan is the cornerstone of the new African Union, formed July 9 in Johannesburg. The African Union, whose members include all nations of Africa, replaces the Organization of African Unity. 

CCA President Stephen Hayes praised the ideas of NEPAD, commenting, "NEPAD represents the best hope that Africa will evolve into more democratic models involving freer economies." In addition to its role on the steering committee, CCA will work with the U.S. government to support the objectives of the G8 Africa Action Plan, while actively guiding the American business sector in its work with the African Union. In support of the NEPAD, the G8 nations have committed to increase Overseas Development Assistance to Africa by $12 billion per year by 2006. "We believe we can and will play an important role in promoting U.S. economic interests in Africa in concert with the African goal of greater economic freedom," said Hayes.

The concept of the NEPAD is largely credited to four African presidents, Thabo Mbeki of South Africa, Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria, Abdelaziz Bouteflika of Algeria, and Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal, as a plan for Africa by Africans. One of the most significant elements of the NEPAD is its peer review component. As a fundamental principle, the NEPAD gives Africans the opportunity to work collectively to address the continent's issues and to determine the appropriate penalties should such sanctions be necessary. 

The NEPAD focus areas promote democracy, foster trade and investment, facilitate financial growth, support education, and combat HIV/AIDS. "All of these areas are in tandem with CCA's vision of a better Africa," said Hayes. "There will be significant obstacles to be overcome, but this is a plan around which progress is possible."

CCA, established in 1992, is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization of nearly 170 American companies dedicated to strengthening the commercial relationship between the United States and Africa. CCA members represent nearly 85 percent of total U.S. private sector investments in Africa. The CCA website is at x

The Corporate Council on Africa
1100 17th Street, NW
Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 835-1115, Fax (202) 835-1117
Atlantic City, NJ, USA hosts
1st Africa Travel Tourism Event


1st Africa Travel, Tourism and Gaming Trade
Show & Conference, Sept. 30- Oct. 3, 2002, Atlantic City, NJ USA

Africa Travel Magazine's October edition features the first show of it's kind in North America. Presented by the Corporate Council on Africa (CCA). Reach and influence Conference delegates. Follow up year round to North American and World Travel Agencies, Corporate Partners, Investors, U.S., Canadian, Caribbean and African Government leaders. Join us in creating solutions, turning past problems into current and future opportunities. Road shows and targeted mailings, plus regional promotion in the USA, Canada and worldwide. Supported by web advertising on ATA sites with thousands of page views daily. ATA is a member of the International Ecotourism Society, Green Globe and a partner of WTO, ASTA, ARTA, IIPT and, SATH. CCA Hands On Workshops
The conference includes a series of hands-on workshops that will address travel issues and topics in the African marketplace. Suggested topics will include: Tourism as an economic driver for African markets; Safety, health and security; Infrastructure; and Finance.

The event offers a unique opportunity for tour operators; travel agents; corporate travel managers; meeting/conference/incentive planners; group organizers; association meeting and travel planners to meet face-to-face in the U.S. with African country tourism representatives, airlines, hotels and group operators to learn about the diverse tourism products in each destination, packages, air connections, hotel meeting and conference and gaming facilities.

Please review the enclosed brochure and sponsor package below. We kindly ask all members to please distribute to your corporate travel office and meeting planners so that they can participate. We also ask you to pass on to any other parties that have an interest in Africa tourism.

CCA's website has the brochure in a PDF format that can be downloaded to register. Updates will also be placed on the website as we get closer to the event. If you have any questions on registration of sponsorship please feel free to contact:

Richard Larios, Development Director or Christopher Alion, Assistant Development Director, Phone (202) 835-1115.

Over 30 million tourists visit the continent annually, generating $12 billion. The trade show will attract companies actively involved in the African travel and gaming industries from both the U.S. and African countries. It will present an excellent opportunity for business and government leaders to promote tourism and gaming in Africa from their exhibit booths on the trade show floor. Click for Atlantic City Profile.

E-Mail for Rates

Photo Credits:Atlantic City CVB / ATA Archives