Corridor NCDC
Members: |
Northwest Corridor
Development Corporation .....................................Introduction
The study went on to say that greater awareness of the trade benefits for Canada by using both the north and south Western Canada Transportation Corridors must be undertaken as we enter the global millennium. Today, the Northwest Corridor Development Corporation has a growing membership of private and public sector representatives, including utilities, transportation companies, manufacturers, labour groups, all three levels of government, and individuals. The goals of the Corridor are to: express trade synergy and efficiencies of the northwest corridor, and provide a utilization strategy for the Corridors long term future (twenty five year horizon) hat increases Canadian trade; provide strong leadership for future transportation policy and trade decisions while expediting full capabilities of the northwest and southwest corridors in Western Canada; illustrate greater international competitiveness for Western Canada by attracting new business and customers to the northwest corridor while competitively retaining existing transportation and trade levels; identify and address important issues affecting the Corridor capabilities; raise awareness among stakeholders and the general public with respect to the NW Corridor and its contributions to local, provincial and national economics; provide clear delineation to the fact that Western Canada has two Transportation and trade Corridors. - one at the 49th parallel and one at the 54th; one that is at capacity, and one that is under utilized. - support initiatives of individual member stakeholders to improve customer service and competitiveness of the Corridor for all users. If your business or organization would benefit from our marketing efforts and advocacy activities, and you are interested in supporting corridor development initiatives please contact us regarding membership. Privileges include a monthly newsletter, ongoing NCDC Board liaison with business, industry, all levels of governments, policy analysts, and transportation and trade representatives. Operations include publicity, marketing and strategic planning, with an Annual General Meeting and Conference which rotates locations throughout the Northwest Corridor. Maps of the area and further information to come.
Years later in a video for the Alaska Highway's 50th Anniversary, I elaborated on Grant's concept of a land bridge of Northern Airports: Edmonton, Dawson Creek, Fort Nelson, Whitehorse and others in what I call the Air Highway network. Speaking of our Asia Pacific connection, Grant Maconachie would have enjoyed the fellowship we experienced at the APEC Ministers Meeting, the 4th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention and other recent events. We published a Special Apec Edition of Air Highways/ BC Scene for the benefit of10,000 officials and media from 18 APEC economies who descended on Vancouver for that landmark event. Most of them arrivied by the same air bridge Grant Maconachie spoke of so eloquently in the 40s and 50s.