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Score Card


Air Highways is used as an example, since it was our original site and we've spent several years monitoring results.


Above all, we believe in a website that's clean, user-friendly and easy for the reader/viewer to read and navigate. That's why certain standard components appear on most pages.

1. Masthead. Usually at the very top, and uncluttered. Earlugs or 'teasers' may occasionally appear next to the masthead.

2. Navigation Links: Indexes or bars appear on all four sides of the page. This gives the reader/viewer plenty of options and reasons to stay on this site. That's why our sites have recorded an average as high as 15 minutes per viewing session, and are seldom below six minutes.

a) Top index Bar: Ours offers up to 15 'sections' or categories of interest.

b) Left Sidebar Index : These are usually 'text links,' within each category. Icons or small photo animations are added for visual interest. A common icon is the French language option.

c) Right Sidebar Index: Usually photo-animated links, which attract and retain the reader/viewer's attention , encouraging them to scroll to the bottom of the page. Each mini photo is a live link.

d) Bottom Index Bar: This is added insurance that a person will "stick" or keep on viewing the website. It is usually a appear of the top bar, although one could add a new set of links.

e) Airplane icon: Once a reader/viewer has reached the bottom of the page, this animation helps them return to our main 'home' page, or to the top of the page.


3. Footnotes: On major articles or series, we usually add footnotes in a slightly smaller type size. See example below.

4. Advertising Banners: Optional, and usually at the bottom of the page, Animated 'skyscraper' sidebars have been effective for their impact in promoting specific campaign objectives (example: subscriptions). We believe it is fair to the advertiser to offer exclusivity in their category on any page, other than the home page, which allows rotation of advertisers. We like to keep the advertising to editorial content ratio very low.


Footnotes- About Guinée
Guinée (Guinea), situated on the West Coast of Africa, is 245,857 square miles with a population of 7.2 million. French is the official language. It has a tropical climate with the dry season from November to May and the rainy season from May to November. The Capital, Conakry, is a bustling port city on the Atlantic Ocean. The 12 story, seaside, Novotel Grand Hotel de L'Independance, has 214 air conditioned rooms and 10 suites, offering a beautiful view of the lighthouse.

Part of UNESCO'S historic "Slave Route," Guinée was the first country to benefit from the program of rebuilding the historic sites on the "Slave Route." On Host Country Day, ATA delegates had the opportunity to discover Guineé's "unspoiled Africa." The full day tour, sponsored by the private sector, the Office Of Promotion of Private Investment, took Congress participants on a scenic tour to Kindia, including a visit to Konkoure Falls and a festive luncheon at a private ranch belonging to the sponsor of Host Day, El Hadj Mamadou Sylla. Highlight of the day was a special performance in the evening at a Gala Dinner, by Guineé's world renowned National Dance Company, Les Ballets Africains.

Africa Travel Association (ATA) is an international, nonprofit, nonpolitical, professional travel industry association whose objective is to promote tourism to Africa. Its membership is comprised of National Government Tourist Offices, hotels, airlines, ground and tour operators, travel agents, group tour leaders, marketing and media executives ATA has chapters throughout Africa and North America; is a member of ASTA (American Society of Travel Agents), WTO (World Tourism Organization), an industry partner with ARTA (Association of Retail Travel Agents), a founding member of the Coalition of Partners for Peace Through Tourism; and a Green Globe member. ATA organizes an annual international marketing conference in Africa; a biannual symposium on environmental and cultural preservation; and publishes the Africa Travel Magazine.

ATA headquarters: email;
tel (212) 447-0027 or fax (212) 725-8253;
or visit ATA on the Web at

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