Great Santa Fe Horse Race-
The Ride of a Lifetime
Endurance Race Traces
Historic Trail From Santa Fe to
Santa Fe, NM&endash; Up to 100
teams of horseback riders are expected to take part
in the first annual Great Santa Fe Trail Horse Race
Endurance Ride this September. The race will
follow, as closely as possible, the route of the
Santa Fe Trail, America's first commercial highway
running from Franklin, Missouri to Santa Fe from
1821 to 1880.
The race begins on September 3
just outside Santa Fe, New Mexico and will end 13
days later just east of the Kansas border in
Missouri; a riding distance of over 500 miles and a
total distance of more than 800 miles. Each riding
day will be 50 or 55 miles in length. There will be
several rest days along the route when teams will
move to new locations but without any riding being
Three types of teams
will compete: The type 1 teams have one rider who
rides one horse or a number of different horses
throughout the event but can only ride one horse
per day/leg. Type 2 teams have different riders for
each day/leg, although the same rider and horse
complete an entire day/leg, and a number of horses
over the ride may be used. The Super Teams (limited
to 10 teams) can have up to 4 riders and 4 horses
compete in each leg of the race (this does not take
into consideration the conserving of horses for
future legs of the race).
Along the race route
where the riders stop a Race Village will be
established, made up of local merchants, vendors,
support services, and various race sponsors. The
Race Villages are intended to give local horse
enthusiasts and spectators a chance to learn more
about the Santa Fe Trail, find out about endurance
horse racing, and see the racers, both human and
equine, up close in a festive
As the namesake and
western terminus of the trail, Santa Fe will host
the teams and race organizers beginning September
1, 2007 at the first Race Village. All 100 teams
will gather at the Santa Fe Downs just south of the
city to prepare for the start from Lamy, N.M. just
outside of Santa Fe. The race will remain in New
Mexico for 3 days of riding and 3 nights before
moving into Kansas.
The race itself is
sanctioned by the American Endurance Ride
Conference and all horses will be under veterinary
supervision and care along the entire length of the
route. For more information contact Race Organizer,
Rob Phillips, 785-218-3265, sfthorserace@aol.com,
For a complete list
of events check the Santa Fe Convention &
Visitors Bureau's web site at
http://www.santafe.org or contact the bureau for a
free Santa Fe Visitors Guide,
Steve Lewis
1916 Camino Lumbre
Santa Fe, NM 87505
505.473.9002 / fax
Tel: 505 216 0889
Cell: 505 603 8643