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Native Art from the North Pacific. Your business helps the first Nations Communities grow
A world class marketplace awaits the discriminating shopper on Water Street and other areas of Vancouver and Victoria, not just in wearable goods, but in exciting, one-of-a-kind collectors items, carved from stone and indigenous woods. Haida masks and totem poles are prominent and most fetch an attractive price from Alaska-bound cruise passengers. Inuit art from Canada's far north is another winner. Our editor Jerry Bird and I presented carvings of polar bears and salmon to several African Tourism Ministers at a recent Congress on behalf of the magazine and the gifts were greatly appreciated for their originality. On the same note, our management from Air Highways enjoyed several hours, by invitation, at Trudy Van Dop's charming studio location , a vintage mansion in New Westminster, BC's original capital on the Fraser River. From what we saw and experienced that day, our publishers are proud to feature her latest catalogue of BC Arts, Culture and Heritage. BC Arts Guide: Enjoy West Coast Artists, Jewelry, Ethnic Creations, Unique Fashions and Wearable Native Art? Our editorial team had the privilege of visiting Trudy Van Dop Studios at 421 Richmond Street in New Westminster for an Open House and an opportunity to meet the people behind this unique marketing concept. The charming old New Westminster mansion,gardens, and impressive variety of BC art and sculpture add up to a very unique display. The Art Guide to British Columbia is a full colour, 64-page guide to over 200 art galleries, museums, studios, gardens, heritage and cultural sites in the province of BC. Listings include colour photos of the artist's work, a short description of the people behind the art and each participant's complete contact information including phone numbers and web site addresses. With the Art Guide in hand, tourists and BC residents have an indispensable road map to the most talented, well-known and not-so-well-known artists in the world! The easy-to-use, colour-coded format identifies BC's five main regions, and offers Art Guide users plenty of options for creating their own self-directed art tours, be it an afternoon adventure or an extended getaway. "Whether you've always lived in BC, or you're visiting for the first time, the Art Guide promises many wonderful surprises," says Trudy Van Dop, the guide's publisher, "BC has so much artistic talent to be proud of, and we're (Van Dop & Associates) proud to offer the only comprehensive, year-round art guide of its kind plus it's FREE," she adds. There are two new features for 2002: a Gardens section featuring not-to-be-missed gardens, and information on the Art Guide's 1st Annual Cultural Crawl. The Cultural Crawl is a four-day celebration of the arts and culture in BC, hosted by Art Guide participants, and held over the BC Day long weekend, August 2 to 5, 2002.Pick up an Art Guide to BC free of charge at any BCAA Office, Tourist Information Centre, onboard BC Ferries, and at numerous hotels throughout the province. The Art Guide's web site at contains everything in the guide, plus an updated list of special events, workshops, theatres and exhibitions. For more information, please
Much more to come in this section, including features on Native Art and Wearable Art. Artwork by George Littlechild (right) is from a story we wrote in Air Highways Magazine featuring the "Artists for Kids"