BC Scene
1: 10
2: 9
3: 7
4: 16
5: About Us
Route Map
Quest 1,000 Mile Canoe Journey
Nations villagers from Prince Rupert, Hazelton and Inside
Passage joined Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers in
Vision Quest, a 1,000 mile canoe journey down the Skeena
River to the Pacific, then south to Victoria. The excitement
generated shows that the spirit of cooperation can transcend
any barriers. A tourism venture
featuring the great carved canoes of British Columbia's
First Nations will soon be in the waters of the southern BC
coast. Artist Richard Krentz is launching "Voyages Out of
Time" this summer, promoting aboriginal
tourism and boosting employment prospects for young native
Adventures, a joint venture between Krentz and the Burrard
Band in North Vancouver will run
the trips. Visitors will be able to paddle a 10-m Stalashen
canoe into the Burrard Inlet, accompanied by a native
steersman and pilot in traditional dress. At his Queeneesh
Studios on Vancouver Island, Krentz and a team of carvers
built the first five canoes, combining traditional methods
with modern tools and techniques, including the services of
a naval architect.
The prows of the cedar canoes are
carved into a wolf head design. At a small school next to
his studio on Saratoga Beach, Krentz is training the
steersmen, pilots and shore dancers as well as the crews of
the Zodiac boats that accompany the canoes. Vision
Quest Story is Continued
on its own
special page. Cultural tourism is
a growing industry in the province, as communities diversify
their economies and treaty settlements progress. Foreign
visitors are keenly interested in the culture and history of
Canada's Aboriginal people. German, United Kingdom and
Japanese tourists have indicated a keen interest in the
opportunities for education, understanding and spiritual
renewal that cultural tourism represents.
Mountain: The Hiwus Feast house on Grouse Mountain is
setting a benchmark for authentic Aboriginal tourism. This
longhouse, developed by Richard Krentz and Grouse Mountain
Resorts Ltd., hopes to be among the first projects to
receive accreditation by the Aboriginal Tourism Association
of BC (ATBC) a member of COTA, hopes to launch a pilot for
the accreditation system later this year. Although the
process is not yet in place, some criteria, such as majority
Aboriginal ownership or control, are outlined in the draft
of a workbook developed by the association. The workbook
assists an Aboriginal person setting up a cultural tourism
business by identifying operating standards.
Inuit ambassador makes Macleans' annual honor
Mary Simon, Canada's first Inuit ambassador for circumpolar
affairs, has been named to Macleans' magazine's 11th annual
honor roll. Simon, 46, of Ottawa, is Canada's representative
on, and chairwoman of, the newly created Arctic Council, an
eight-nation group working to coordinate government policies
dealing with the Far North. The council held its first
meeting in September in Ottawa. Simon was born in
Kangirsualujuak in remote northern Quebec. She spent the
early part of her life moving from camp to camp with her
family, and most of her education came through
correspondence courses she took while living in the North.
She says this early nomadic lifestyle was good training for
her job as ambassador, a job in which she has traveled up to
six months of each year, working to set up the council.
Simon has been in the position for two years. "It's
important that I'm Inuit, but it's far more important that
I'm from the North, because I've lived through it; I have a
deep understanding of the issues people in the North are
faced with daily." Her goal is for the council to work
toward creating jobs in the North through the promotion of
trade, and to start lobbying governments for uniform
legislation on environmental preservation in the area. Simon
has been active in the northern community for a number of
years, and she was a member of the negotiating team that
created Nunavut, the territory that will be carved from the
Northwest Territories by 1999. From Ottawa
peoples of British Columbia
developed one of the richest and most complex cultures north
of Mexico. Because of the diversity of the Pacific coast --
mild to cold climate, seashore to mountains -- the tribes
that settled in this area developed completely different
cultures and languages. The coastal inhabitants were experts
at wood sculpture, as their totem polls attest even today.
They were also famous for their skill and courage in
whaling. As for their social system, it was marked by
occasions such as the potlatch -- a ceremony in which
important gifts were given to guests -- and by theatrical
In 1774 the first Europeans, under the flag of Spain,
visited what is now British Columbia. In contrast with
eastern Canada, where the English and French were the two
nationalities fighting over territory, Spain and Russia were
the first countries to claim ownership of certain parts of
British Columbia. In the 18th century, the Spanish claimed
the west coast from Mexico to Vancouver Island. At the same
time, the Russians were making an overlapping claim for
control of the Pacific coast from Alaska to San
In 1778, Captain James Cook of Great
Britain became the first person to chart the region. The
first permanent colony, in present-day Victoria, was
established by the British in 1843.
When gold was discovered in the lower
Fraser Valley in 1857, thousands of people came in search of
instant wealth. To help maintain law and order, the British
government established the colony of British Columbia the
following year. In 1866, when the frenzy of the gold rush
was over, the colony of Vancouver Island joined British
The colony was cut off from the rest
of British North America by thousands of km and a mountain
range. The promise of a rail link between the Pacific coast
and the rest of Canada convinced British Columbia to join
Confederation in 1871.
The People
The majority of BC's inhabitants are of British origin, but
the population is enriched by immigrants and descendants of
immigrants of all nationalities. More than 100 000 British
Colombians are descendants of the thousands of Chinese who
took part in the construction of the Canadian Pacific
Railway in the late 19th century. The Japanese began to
arrive in the 1890s, becoming merchants and fishermen.
Today, Vancouver has North America's second-largest Chinese
community. More than 60 000 of BC inhabitants are from
India, and 16 000 are from Japan. British Colombians of
Asian heritage have contributed tremendously to the
province's economic and cultural vitality.
The Air Highway Library Guide
Books, brochures, audio visual and services from
Tourism BC and related organizations
BC promotes British Columbia and its tourism products to
consumers and the tourism trade around the world through
efficient and cost-effective marketing programs. Cooperative
programs with the private sector, other tourism
organizations, other ministries and other levels of
government are encouraged. Marketing programs include media
advertising, unpaid media support, travel trade initiatives,
promotions, conventions, trade and consumer shows,
familiarization tours and publications. Tourism BC, #802 -
865 Hornby Street, Vancouver BC V6Z 2G3
Tel: (604)660-2861, Fax: (604)660-3383
Packaging BC's Tourism Industry:
The "how-to" manual for tourism suppliers, business
operators, instructors and communities explains what a
tourism package is, describes types of packages, steps
required in setting up a tour operator business, etc. It is
indispensable for anyone who is planning on becoming a tour
operator. Available free of charge by calling (604)387-0125.
Product Guide : The
tourism Product Guide is the most comprehensive, up-to-date
directory of tourism products and services in British
Columbia. With a listing in the guide, your business will be
accessible to travel counselors throughout the province. To
add your product to the Guide contact: (604)953-5125
Partners in Tourism: This
pamphlet describes the Partners in Tourism program, a joint
venture between the Ministry of Small Business, Tourism and
Culture and the nine regional tourism associations. New
tourism operators will want a copy of this pamphlet, which
describes how the program can help businesses with their
marketing efforts, and includes the phone numbers and
addresses of the regional associations. Available free of
charge by calling (604)660-4702.
Accommodations Guide
This is the central accommodations publication issued by the
Ministry, with a World-Wide circulation of more than
1,000,000. To qualify for inclusion in the Guide, an
accommodation/property/business must be inspected by and
registered with the Accommodations Guide. Note: Bed and
Breakfast establishments with one to three rooms now qualify
for inclusion in the Guide. Note: Cost: Basic rate of $80.25
(tax inclusive) for a listing Contact:
Bed and Breakfast Package
This package of information on how to start a bed and
breakfast establishment is available free of charge by
calling (604)387-6309.
British Columbia Travel Industry
This guide is a catalogue of services, tours and packages
designed for retail travel agents, tour operators and travel
wholesalers across Canada, in US markets and overseas. With
a listing in this guide, your product becomes accessible to
key decision makers in the industry -- and ultimately to the
consumer. Listings are free to eligible companies offering
BC travel products. To participate, please submit a written
request describing your product to:
British Columbia Travel Industry
Market Development Division, BC Ministry of Small
Business, Tourism and Culture 802-865 Hornby St., Vancouver,
BC V6Z 2G3, Tel: (604)660-4701
List of Trade and Consumer
The Ministry publishes an annual list of trade and
consumer shows that provide new operators with tour programs
Available free of charge by calling: (604)660-4701.
Market Guidebooks
The federal government publishes a number of guides,
including "Japan Tourism Market Guide," "Meeting Japanese
Service Expectations," and "Doing Business in the European
Tourism Market". Fax link: (613)944-4500
Marketing Programs
Media Relations: The Ministry works with the travel
media to obtain editorial coverage of British Columbia's
tourism products. Travel journalists on assignment may
contact Media Relations directly to get help with story
ideas. BC suppliers of tourism product who have a new
product with an interesting "angle", should send a brochure
with a description of why your product is unique to: Media
Relations: Tourism BC, #802-865 Hornby St., Vancouver, BC,
V6Z 2G3 Tel: (604)660-3767, Fax: (604)660-3383
Information for Overseas Tour
Operators (Buyer)
The Market Development Branch of Tourism British Columbia
can assist you in the development of new packages to new
destinations within British Columbia, itinerary planning,
package coordination and promotional material including
slides, videos, posters, visual aides and literature.
Tourism BC can provide local industry contacts, assist in
arranging site inspections, familiarization trips and
coordination with destination marketing organizations (e.g.
Tourism Vancouver, Tourism Victoria, the Whistler Resort
Association, etc). Tourism British Columbia provides a
complete range of services for international buyers,
including a wide variety of sales support and information.
The Ministry has support staff in the United Kingdom, Japan,
Taiwan, Australia, London and the USA.
For more information on specific areas,
contact BC's Regional Tourism Association.
Tourism Association of Vancouver Island
Okanagan Similkameen Tourism Association
High Country Tourism Association
(Kamloops area)
North by Northwest Tourism Association
(Smithers to the Rockies)
Rocky Mountain Visitors Association
Kootenay Country Tourist Association
Cariboo Tourism Association
Peace River Alaska Highway Tourist Association
Vancouver Coast & Mountains Tourist
(604) 739-9011