Trade and Enterprise
Travel and Tourism
Food and Dining
NZ Websites:
Trade & Enterprise
NZ Tourism

WTO Membership
Qantas Airlines
Qantas Vacations
Air Fares
World Wine Summi

1. Footloose in Vancouver
From Baja to Barrow
3. Railways of the World
Alaska Cruises
River Adventures
Grizzly Encounters
Adventure Isles
North America


Brand New Zealand:
New Zealand New Thinking

Forward thinking and innovation are not limited to any part of the world: but they flourish in New Zealand- and in the minds of Kiwis.' Time Magazine, 2003

'Brand New Zealand' aims to create a national brand that will differentiate New Zealand internationally, better support key sectors, and enhance New Zealand's established and emerging areas of competitive advantage.

New Zealand New Thinking is the new positioning that has been developed to provide an umbrella positioning for New Zealand from an economic development perspective. 

The key goal is to ensure:

New Zealand is recognised globally for the value its businesses and people bring to the world &endash; through creativity, innovation and technology.

For many years, common perceptions of New Zealand have revolved around its landscape and accompanying clean, green image. These are important but we also need convey a richer set of messages that create recognition for the broader characteristics that define our people, business and country.

Raising global recognition of New Zealand's competitive edge through the New Zealand New Thinking programme will benefit every New Zealander by increasing opportunities for international trade and economic growth, securing foreign investment and enhancing New Zealand's attractiveness for skilled or business migrants.

Opportunities are continuously being looked for to showcase New Zealand on the world stage and promote our point of difference.  The programme supports New Zealand companies at key offshore events, and domestically, seeks to build and develop relationships with both public and private sector.

The above is an excerpt from the New Zealand Trade and Enterprise Website