abandoned airbase brings new residents to Canada's
Grant Paulson a stretch of ocean to land on any
day, even when the winds are blowing across the
runway at some of Northern BC's more challenging
airports. "It's a whole lot easier to bring your
plane down on the ocean, providing the waves aren't
too high," says Paulson, who flies a pontoon
equipped Helio-Courier H295. Paulson is looking
forward to scouting out the landing opportunities
around Masset on the northern tip of the Queen
Charlotte Islands after taking advantage of a
unique real estate opportunity at the former
military base
is among 50 people who jumped at the chance last
year to buy a well-maintained house on its own lot
at Canadian Forces Station Masset. It was one of
190 homes that the military maintained for married
personnel at the national Department of Defense
"listening post." With the end of the Cold War and
computerization, the Canadian and US. Military have
scaled back operations and now have about 230
personnel on the site. For under $40,000, Paulson
purchased a three-bedroom home complete with its
own lot on the former base. Thanks to the Hello-
Courier, he will make short work of what would
normally be a long trek from his hometown of Prince
George with his young family in tow. "If I go by
car, it's a good eight or nine-hour drive to the
Highway to
Prince Rupert from here, an overnight stay and then
a six hour ferry ride the next day," says Paulsen.
But flying in would take about three hours, which
means we could go in for the weekend." While flying
over the Coast Range can be a challenge for a
has been flying in Northern BC. since 1976, ten of
those years as a helicopter pilot for companies
such as Northern Mountain and Trans-Mountain. He
liked the mining business so much, he set up his
own company, Falcon Drilling Ltd."Flying into mine
sites such as the SNIP mine at Eskay Creek left
Grant with a healthy respect for how changeable BC.
weather conditions can be. "Despite all the work in
there, were no major air accidents," he said. In
fact there were more people hurt on the ground at
the mine site. Grant's plane is a STOL-style craft,
giving him the high degree of flexibility one needs
for BC. flying. The six-seater aircraft, popular
among missionaries in Latin America, can carry a
payload of about 1,400 pounds. "It's a bit bigger
than a Cessna 185 and has half again as much
power." It has also given him access to places that
most of us earthbound types can only dream about. I
use it for fishing and hunting. "One of my favorite
places is the Limestone Lakes area east of Prince
George." One of the best times in my life was when
we flew into the Limestone Lake area, east of
Prince George.
lake is located at the 4,500 ft. level. It was in
July and there was still ice on the lakes, but
enough of an opening to set down. We took garbage
bags with us and went tobogganing in the snow. We
had a ball." The Queen Charlottes offer Grant and
his family lots of recreational possibilities, with
some of the best salmon fishing in the world
topping the list. There are also hundreds of km
available for beach combing, canoeing, kayaking,
sailing and hiking. Grant plans to scout out the
lakes on the archipelago as alternatives to ocean
landings. He also expects to be able to moor his
plane at the marina near his new vacation home.
Canada's Galapagos: From ..Prince
Rupert your
voyage to the "Misty Islands" is a salty
experience. These fog-..shrouded waters of the
Haida Gwa'ii or Queen Charlotte Archipelago teem
with finny fare; salmon, herring, halibut,
rockfish, mussels, crab, starfish, sea urchin,
of Gray, Humpback and Killer Whales skip along the
surface. Seabirds abound, and near Cape St. James,
sea lions romp and play. Isolation from the
mainland has given rise to a unique subspecies of
wildlife. Gwa'ii Haanas National Park Preserve is
also called South Moresby. Since the park has no
roads or facilities, visitors must be self
sufficient. Anthony Island's abandoned village,
Ninstints, is a UN World Heritage site. There are
over 500 archeological and historical Haida
Contact: Al or Sandra Galbraith, A.J. Galbraith
& Assoc.,
Masset:, BC, (250) 626-3880 or 888-300-5557
(toll-free) Masset
website: E-mail:
Similar low cost housing is available at Tumbler
Ridge, BC. 3 bedoom homes for under $30,000.
Contact: A.J. Galbraith & Assoc. 888-300-5557