The foundation's immediate goal, a lofty one, is to reach 1 million young people in the year 2003. That year marks the dawn of "Aviation's Second Century" and EAA's 50th Anniversary. In British Columbia and across North America, each Young Eagle will know the exhilaration and freedom of flight, as shared by a dedicated pilot whose life has been positively influenced by aviation. Young Eagles Web Site: (Details) Thanks to the Abbotsford Flying Club and *COPA Flight # 83, each member of the young Fraser Valley crew was taken for a thrilling ride on one of the AFC's light aircraft. For most Young Eagles, it was his or her maiden flight and first visit to the Abbotsford Airport. Like any regular pilot training routine, there was a "ground school" class prior to flight. To stress the importance of atmospheric conditions and cloud cover to the flight experience, the participants attended a lecture on meteorology and cloud formation. Family finances were not a factor in the selection of Young Eagles, since the entire program was complimentary. Abbotsford Flying Club members volunteered their time to the Young Eagles project, and some supplied their personal aircraft so that no youngster would miss this "first in a lifetime" opportunity. According to Bob Robertson of the AFC, one club member rented an airplane at his own expense. The spin-off from this exercise was a superb public relations effort for Abbotsford Airport, a positive boost for aviation in general and the Abbotsford Flying Club in particular. For more details or news of future Young Eagles programs, contact Mr. Robertson at (604) 864-9071.*Canadian Owners and Pilots Association. *Abbotsford Flying Club.
A young Eagle will also come to see and understand - as through the eyes of an eagle - that the true potential of life lies beyond everyday surroundings and may be reached through pursuit of high personal goals. Becoming an EAA Young
Eagle is as easy as one-two-three! |