and story by Ed Anderson Bellingham
Washington AIRFEST Upwards of
sixty aircraft filled the ramp, from Amphibian
Floats to Antiques, Classics, Kits, Warbirds, jet
trainers and active military (two U.S. Navy F-18
"Hornets" and a U.S. Marines A-10 Thunderbolt II
"Warthog"). Throughout the day there were a variety
of planes that went airborne for fly-bys. Great
Stuff. A couple of
Travelair biplanes, a Stinson "Detroiter" and an
SNJ-5 were very steady all day with pay passengers.
Likewise, the food vendors and display booths had
little rest. For the young ones J.P. Patches Clown
Show and Kids Korner easily took care of any
boredom factor. A fairly good barometer that
everyone really enjoyed themselves. Albeit the
security presence was there, but in a rather subtle
way, not overbearing, which made for a comfortable
but safe environment. Quite a challenge in these
days of increased concerns. The affable
Greg Poe, as always, thrilled his audience with
vigorous and stunning sequences of aerobatic
displays "from Out of the Blue". Loops, rolls,
hammerheads, eight Cubans, free falls and more in
his Crucial Edge 540 lightweight mount, built with
the absolute best of aeronautic technology. 16
shows to this date, from El Salvador to Alaska to
Saskatchewan, Canada and back to the circuit in the
United States. Story and
Photos By Ed
Anderson |
An obvious success for the third annual Flight Fest held on Father's Day, June 17 at the Bellingham Airport. A welcome sunny sky tempered by a cool ocean breeze helped the organizers and the many volunteers welcome overflow crowds throughout the day. Gates opened at 10am with festivities winding down at around 4pm. The Navy's P-3 Orien and the Coast Guard HC-130H Hercules were among the popular attractions drawing long lines of walk through lookers. The ground display Navy F/A 18A and F/A 18F Hornets (VFA 204 & VFA 122) likewise garnered lots of close inspections and discussions as did a venerable EA-6B Prowler from VAQ 129. Fly-in beauty planes included a LeBroussard in French Navy markings (N16MH), a C-45 Beech 18, "Texas Rose" (N45N), a spit' n polished bare skinned Cessna 195 (C-FEMN) and a like glistening little 1948 Ercoupe (N94805), an immaculate red Waco Classic, N685AF, a PT-13B Stearman (N65695), a Nan Chiang CJ6-A (N6097G) and plenty of others. Nothing though, attracts attention faster than the sounds of a "Warbird". Such it was when General William Anders (ret.), taxied out "Wampus Cat", an F8F-2 Grumman Bearcat for a little action. The Bearcat and the Nan Chiang were taken aloft for a few fast and lows over the run-way which thrilled all of us to no end. The Heritage Flight Museum, presently of Orcas Island WA also flew in, with Bill Anders at the controls, an aerial jack-of-all-trades L-13B 'Grasshopper' in U.S.A.F. markings, s/n 47-412 (N7412) that was in pristine condition. Quite an airplane. Nine RV's, of the Arlington based "Black Jack Squadron" presented close formation flypasts on arrival. Just a great sight with surround sound which brought on rousing applause from delighted spectators. The Wings of Dreams bi-planes were busy with rides for pay and live bands filled the air with a wide variety of music. Plenty of vendors plying their fares and wares, with lots of exhibits and displays for everybody. Beautiful Classic and Antique automobiles and motorcycles were also on display and in the gorgeous sunshine they too attracted throngs of admirers. The Bellingham Airport and the Flight Fest continue to improve and appropriately, I quote a saying I heard some years ago, " Attitude plus Aptitude gives Altitude" and so far folks you have it. Continued good luck and success.
Story and Photos by Ed Anderson |