Through Tourism: The Next 20
highlight of the World Travel
Stenden University Hosts
1st IIPT European
Institute for Peace through Tourism (IIPT) is
pleased to announce that Stenden University
(formerly CHN University) will host the First IIPT
European Conference:
Bridging the Nort-South
Divide through Sustainable Tourism
Conference, which took place in both The Hague and
Leeuwarden the week of October 19, 2008. The
Conference was in support of the United Nations
declared International Decade for a Culture of
Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the
World (2001-2010), and the U.N. Millennium
Development Goals.
Topics to be
addressed in the context of the theme ?Bridging the
North ? South Divide through Sustainable Tourism
Development? will include:
Gaining greater
leverage from North ? South initiatives including
the roles of Donor Agencies, Foundations, and
South ? South
Initiatives in Sustainable Tourism
Initiatives within Developing Countries,
particularly Least ?Developed Countries (LDC's) and
the Small Islands Developing States
- Innovative
Private Sector Initiatives
- Recent
Developments in Micro-Enterprise
- Volunteer
Tourism, Philanthropic Tourism, Fair Trade
- Knowledge
Transfer and the Contribution of Technology to
Sustainable Tourism Development
- The Role of
Culture and Sport
'Peace Parks Across
Canada' Commemorates 15th Anniversary
Cities and
towns across Canada re-dedicated parks to peace
today commemorating the 15th Anniversary of their
original dedication as part of Canada 125
Celebrations in 1992. Fifteen Years ago as Canada
celebrated its 125th Birthday, some 400 cities and
towns across Canada dedicated a Park to Peace
&endash; with most parks dedicated at Noon local
time, October 8th, as the National Peacekeeping
Monument was being unveiled in Ottawa. Each of the
original Peace Parks incorporated a 'Bosco Sacro'
(Peace Grove) of 12 trees as a symbolic link with
one another, and with nature - and as a symbol of
hope for the future. The 12 trees were also
symbolic of Canada's 10 Provinces and two
Territories. As there are now three Territories, a
13th tree was planted as part of the "Re-dedication
Ceremonies." More->
IIPT World
Tourism Day Event Focuses On Impact of Conflicts on
Tourism and Women
Australia : The stark realities of conflict
situations and the impact on tourism were vividly
illustrated in presentations made at a World
Tourism Day event organized by IIPT-Australia
Chapter in conjunction with Australia Travel and
Tourism Professionals and Intrepid Travel. Post
conflict transition consultant and Commonwealth
scholar, Nimalan Karthikeyan, spoke about the
situation in Sri Lanka and Intrepid Travel's
Responsible Travel Manager, Jane Crouch, about her
experiences in East Timor.
designated by the World Tourism Organization
(UNWTO), the main purpose of World Tourism Day (27
September) is to foster awareness among the
international community of the importance of
tourism and its social, cultural, political and
economic values. Each year there is a
different host country and theme &endash; this
year's host country was Sri Lanka (an active UNWTO
Member for 30 years) with the theme, Tourism opens
doors for Women.
speakers spoke about the potential and economic
importance of tourism, the role and position of
women in society and how tourism could open doors
for women and provide additional income to help
support families. However, progress in recent
times has been significantly negated by the
internal conflicts in both
pointed out that Sri Lanka's patriarchal society
already presented difficulties for women, but this
paled in significance when compared to the major
problems resulting from the internal conflict in
Sri Lanka's northeast, where there are 47,500 war
widows and 30,000 households headed by a
a country that had been traumatized by conflict for
so long, Crouch spoke about her post independence
discussions with the East Timorese to discover
their attitudes towards tourism. She then
accompanied the first small group of travellers to
East Timor in May 2003 and subsequent groups
organized by Intrepid Travel. Last year,
Crouch took long service leave and went as an
Australian Aid Volunteer to work with the Timor
Leste Ministry of Foreign Affairs to assist in the
development of tourism. Unfortunately, with
the outbreak of internal conflict and fighting she
had to be evacuated after only 12
she later returned to East Timor to work as PA for
Timor Leste's first lady, Kirsty Sword Gusmao and
her Alola Foundation, which assists women and
children. Once again, as in Sri Lanka, armed
conflicts result in a growing number of widows and
children who have lost their breadwinners.
Added to the problems associated with the loss of
husbands and fathers, is that most Timorese
families are large with 8-10
his WTD Message, UNWTO Secretary-General Francesco
Frangialli said, "One of the most important
characteristics of tourism is its great capacity to
create employment for women and for youth and
particularly at a community level in poor
countries. This is a major potential for
responding to the war on poverty."
Australian president Daphne Lowe Kelley stressed
the importance of building a culture of peace and
not war, and that building a culture of peace
through tourism is a journey that the travel and
tourism industry could take in helping to make a
more peaceful, just and sustainable world for
its formation in 1986, IIPT Founder and
President Louis D'Amore has led the way in
promoting a "higher purpose" of tourism, with the
belief that Travel and Tourism can be the world's
first global peace industry and every traveller is
potentially an Ambassador for Peace.
International Institute for Peace through Tourism
is dedicated to fostering and facilitating tourism
initiatives which contribute to international
understanding and cooperation, an improved quality
of environment, the preservation of heritage, and
poverty reduction, and through these initiatives,
help bring about a more peaceful and sustainable
more information on IIPT please visit:
Contact: Karen Hoffman, The Bradford Group.
Contact - IIPT Australia Chapter: Daphne Lowe
Kelley Email