Gateway to Cariboo, Barkerville and Bowron Lake
after a member
of Simon Fraser's exploration party, Jules Maurice
Quesnelle, the first settlement grew rapidly in the
1860's as a way-station on the route to the gold
fields. Catering to miners, Quesnel was a lively
and sizable community during that era. Incorporated
n 1928, Quesnel became a full fledged city in 1979.
The forest products industry has sustained this
growth, and Quesnel is now the major pulp and
lumber centre for the North Cariboo. Landing at
Airport on
your scheduled flight from Vancouver or Williams
Lake, you will enjoy the services at one of British
Columbia's newest and most attractive air
terminals. Local folks call it the Cariboo Classic.
Quesnel Airport Information (250) 992-2208, fax
(250) 992-2108. Trading area population: 23,000.
Elevation 475 m.
world's largest gold pan is a memorial to an area
once yielding the richest gold fields in North
America. Colourful flower displays along its
streets and bridges makes Quesnel a picturesque
treat for visitors.
front Park and Trail:
Beginning near the footbridge Front Street, this
Park highlights Quenelle's history and features an
excellent walking trail past historic points of
interest. The paved trail runs through manicured
residential areas, where plaques feature local
citizens of note, then along the Quesnel River and
past the BC Rail yards. The mix of history and
industry makes for an interesting walk. Fly fishing
enthusiasts will be in their element as the
Blackwater River is rated as one of BC's best. A
truly unspoiled waterway, it's also popular for
canoeing, kayaking and wildlife. Q uesnel
is the gateway to BC's legendary gold rush town of
Barkerville, visited by over 100,000 people each
year. The town, boasting some 125 original and
restored buildings, and over 100 displays, live
theatre, demonstrations and shows, evoke its past
so well that you feel like you are experiencing
history, not just learning about it. When Billy
Barker struck gold here in 1862, a rip-roaring town
soon sprang up ... the largest city north of San
Francisco and wet of Chicago. Cariboo Country
Tourism Information 1-800-663-5885
airport Information and tourism