Crossing Borders: Amtrak trains crossing
international borders are subject to Customs and
Immigration inspection en route. (On the Mount
Baker International, customs is handled in the
Vancouver station, not on board.) Although time is
allotted in Amtrak schedules for these inspections,
Customs and Immigration officials may delay trains
if necessary for the performance of their duties.
Customs regulations prohibit unaccompanied baggage
being handled across the border.
Entry into
Canada/US: US or Canadian citizens crossing the
US/Canadian border are required to have a passport
(recommended), birth certificate, citizenship
certificate, or naturalization certificate. (Note:
a driver's license is not sufficient.) Non-US
citizens permanently or temporarily residing in the
United States must have an Alien Registration Card
(I-551, or I-688 bearing the proper endorsement on
the reverse).
All citizens of
countries other than the United States and Canada
not bearing an Alien Registration Card must have a
passport, and citizens of many countries must also
have a visa, US employment Authorization Card
showing 210 as a section of law, or Canadian Form
IM 1000. Passengers not having proper documentation
are prohibited from entering the US or Canada and
will be detrained prior to reaching the US/Canadian
border. Passengers under the age of 18 who are not
accompanied by an adult must bring a letter from a
parent or legal guardian giving them permission to
enter Canada or the United States. Passengers
planning international travel should contact one of
the following for further information: Immigration
and Naturalization Service US Department of
Justice, 415 I St. NW, Washington, DC 20536, (202)
514-2000 WEB SITE: http://www.amtrak.com/trip/borders.html
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