
Quotes from The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC):

• "Global Travel and Tourism Exceeded US$6 Trillion in 2005; "We are witnessing the power, speed and vitality of Travel & Tourism and how they can bring economic opportunity and jobs to people and economies seeking sustainable development,"

• "The industry is expected to grow 4.6 per cent (real terms), to US$6.5 trillion in 2006

• The global Travel & Tourism industry is expected to produce 2.5 million new jobs in 2006, comprising 76.7 million jobs, or 2.8 per cent of total world employment.

• Travel & Tourism are expected to create nearly 10 million new jobs globally, for a total of 234.3 million jobs or 8.7 per cent of total employment."

• Richard Miller, Executive Vice President of WTTC said, "Although events like the tsunami, bombings and hurricanes, as well as a major increase in the price of oil, could have dampened demand, it appears that consumers are becoming more resilient, and Travel & Tourism continue to be a significant part of everyday life."

A survey by Statistics Canada showed 37% of people online window-shopped for travel services, and 55% of Canadians, or more than 6 out of 10 purchased directly from a travel agency.


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Travel College Canada


Registered as a private career college under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005. The college specializes in training individuals for the travel, tourism, and hospitality industry.

The Importance of choosing the right college...

Employment and career success is directly related to the quality of training, reputation and recognition of the college with prospective employers.

Employers require employees who are highly trained and knowledgeable; with excellent communication skills; dedication to providing exceptional sales and customer care; and who demonstrate a very positive attitude.  Our industry partners know that these skills and more are demonstrated by Travel College Canada graduates.

An extensive network of employment partners nurtured over many years results in consistently high graduate employment rates.

Students from around the world choose to study at Travel College Canada as the blending of Canadian and International students is an amazing cultural experience for all. Our International and ESL students have opportunity to practice and develop excellent business and conversational English skills while learning a valuable career training program.

What We Do...

Travel College Canada is a recognized leader in providing high quality training programs supported by our lifetime job search assistance and exceptional support services for students and graduates.

There is a choice of two quality diploma programs and many certificate courses approved by CITC (Canadian Institute of Travel Counsellors) for educational credits toward the professional designation CTC (Certified Travel Counsellor) and/or CTM (Certified Travel Manager) These designations are recognized around the world.

To learn whether a rewarding career in the travel and tourism is for you, please feel free to contact our office to arrange a free career counselling session. Programs will be explained in more detail to ensure you select the one that will meet your career goals.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" Confucius. Take that first step by choosing a diploma of your choice by visiting "Diploma Programs" so you to can start an exciting career in the travel and tourism industry. 

We welcome visits by appointment:

As office hours vary please call in advance to book a day and time to visit and meet personally with a career counsellor. "Contact Us" for our location.

Free Services for High Schools, Employment Resource Centres, Educational Counsulting Agencies & other Community Groups

It is our pleasure to participant in career and/or travel and tourism seminars and other related events e.g. Job Fairs. Louise Blazik, Director has been offering this free community service since 1980.

We invite you to E-mail full details including:

1. Date, time, and location of your upcoming event

2. The topic e.g. Careers in the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality industry or Careers in Business (General) etc. As part of our presentation we will share great job search techniques and winning interview tips.

Interested in a Career as "Home Based Travel Agent/Independent Travel Professional"?

Please read on...

Self-employment is a fast growing career option with terrific benefits such as: "being your own boss"; "choosing your own hours"; "choosing your area of specialty or niche market"; and "income".

Home Based Travel Agents need current skills training and knowledge for this constantly changing industry e.g. new security policies and procedures around the world. Professionalism; competence; and credibility need to be demonstrated to clients to establish trust and confidence.

We invite individuals interested in a home based work environment to visit the following links: Home Based Travel Agents/ Independent Travel Professionals for general information and the highly recommended International Tourism Management diploma program.

We welcome all motivated students including: International, self supporting and individuals funded by HRSDC (EI), WSIB, Ontario Works/Social Services, ODSP and many others. 

We are a proud member of the Green Tourism Association: www.tourgreen.ca

id you know 10% of the entire Global workforce is employed in tourism? Many countries are experiencing a shortage of trained, knowledgeable travel professionals due to this high growth industry.

Below are excerpts from research studies by the World Travel & Tourism Council; the results of a survey by Statistics Canada and Conference Board of Canada, Canadian Travel Distribution Report; and TICO, the Travel Industry Council of Ontario on the growth of tourism locally and around the world.


Quotes from The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC):

• "Global Travel and Tourism Exceeded US$6 Trillion in 2005; "We are witnessing the power, speed and vitality of Travel & Tourism and how they can bring economic opportunity and jobs to people and economies seeking sustainable development,"

• "The industry is expected to grow 4.6 per cent (real terms), to US$6.5 trillion in 2006

• The global Travel & Tourism industry is expected to produce 2.5 million new jobs in 2006, comprising 76.7 million jobs, or 2.8 per cent of total world employment.

• Travel & Tourism are expected to create nearly 10 million new jobs globally, for a total of 234.3 million jobs or 8.7 per cent of total employment."

• Richard Miller, Executive Vice President of WTTC said, "Although events like the tsunami, bombings and hurricanes, as well as a major increase in the price of oil, could have dampened demand, it appears that consumers are becoming more resilient, and Travel & Tourism continue to be a significant part of everyday life."

A survey by Statistics Canada showed 37% of people online window-shopped for travel services, and 55% of Canadians, or more than 6 out of 10 purchased directly from a travel agency.

A study by Conference Board of Canada, Canadian Travel Distribution Report finds an even higher percentage of travellers use the services of a travel agency. \

TICO, the Travel Industry Council of Ontario reports Ontario travellers spent over $4 billion in overseas travel in 2004/5. Cruises, weddings, honeymoons, luxury and adventure travel (all ages) are fast growing travel markets.


An article in the June 5, 2007's issue of Globe and Mail reports:

• "Tourism plays a crucial role as a pillar of the national economy" because it "is a multibillion-dollar force."

• "Canada's total tourism gross domestic product (GDP) reached $26 billion in 2006, accounting for two percent of total national GDP"

• "Tourism directly employed 634,700 people in 2006. Another 1 million - or 10.6% of the Canadian workforce - depend on the sector indirectly for their livelihood."

• "Tourism is the fastest growing industry in the world, accounting for 10% of global GDP.

The Role of the Internet....

The Internet is a great way to research information however for many, the amount of information has become totally overwhelming, time consuming and at times unreliable. Customer care may be a concern as the internet is impersonal. When there is a question or concern about a product and/or service purchased online it is often difficult to secure assistance making it time consuming to resolve matters (if at all) without a 'live' person to deal with. Some companies are unresponsive to customer concerns and instead choose to "hide" behind the Internet.

Further, booking travel over the internet may be quite complex as products are not always clearly described in an accurate way; consumers do not have the advantage of best product and price comparisons without knowledge of all possible travel suppliers; insurance options are often inadequately described or explained; as is entry requirements e.g. passports, visas, health and security policies and procedures. Highly trained professional travel agents ensure important information is provided and understood by their client prior to travelling.

Highly trained professional travel agents ensure important information is provided and understood by their client prior to travelling. These are excellent reasons for travellers to use the personal services of an agent rather than book over the Internet..

Providing credit card and personal information on the Internet is required when making an online booking this in itself should be a concern to everyone. Regardless of security and firewalls, many corporations simply can't keep up with hackers and scammers.


The Role of Professional Travel Agents....

The services of a professional travel agent is invaluable. They are trained to research and price compare for the best tour, cruise, airline, hotel etc. and to provide information on travel insurance options; climate, entry requirements (e.g. passport, visa and health requirements) before recommending and booking the best travel product to their client.


There is a shortage of well trained staff in the travel industry due to high growth therefore it is believed career opportunities will continue to increase.


Join the many graduates now enjoying successful careers in the Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Industry by registering today for the diploma program of your choice... 


We look forward to working with you in providing your training needs that will start you off on your successful career path in the travel and tourism industry.